
Archive for June, 2009

I made it through kindergarten, and with rave reviews. My report card was outstanding — excellent math skills, strong interest in learning, and outstanding behavior. Mommy wonders why I’m so well-behaved for my teachers. She thinks an evil, back-talking, toungue-sticking-out twin gets off the bus in the afternoon.

I’m just glad I got to go to my last day of kindergarten. While school was winding down, viral germs were gearing up. A flu-like sickness was taking my classmates down one by one the last week, then it got me the night before the big day. So, I went to school with a slight fever — a big no, no, but I really wanted to go and it was just for a few hours. I barely made it — here I am later that night:


That was the beginnig of a weekend full of high fevers, popsicles and lounging out on the couch. And just when we thought I was better–and after mommy and I had gone up to camp for the week–I get a weird rash and a bad cough.  Bronchitis? Lyme Disease? Swine Flu? Since we were 3 1/2 hours from my doctor, off  we went to the Little Falls, NY, ER.  Here are some highlights of our afternoon visit:

Get me out of this damn dress.

Get me out of this damn dress.

Looks who's having a baby! (amazing what you can do with a latex glove)
Looks who’s having a baby! (amazing what you can do with a latex glove)

The diagnosis was pretty unexciting — just a virus. The doctor gave me an inhaler for the cough and sent me back to the lake. Not a bad place to recuperate.


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